Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 6 (Rest Day) : Charlottesville, VA

Today is our first day of rest. We are in Charlottesville, VA and just finished visiting Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello. It is a beautiful and historic place.

Two nights ago we camped in the front yard of William Hale's place just outside of Mineral, Virginia. William is an Adventure Cycling instructor who happens to live close to the TransAm route.

Enjoying dinner and the sunset on William's porch. (William is on the left)

I am loving this life as a "bike gypsy", seeing the beautiful countryside and meeting many people who each have their own story. I enjoy stopping to ask the country folk on the side of the road, "Is this the road to Oregon?" They all have the same reaction...

My appetite has doubled and I am devouring something at least every hour. Pete says it best: "I'm so hungry I can eat the south side of a pig heading north." We have been creatively accommodating when it comes to dinners with Caitlin as a vegetarian and Rusty who doesn't like pasta. Stir fry with some type of meat has been our typical dinner. Pete and I have cooking duties tonight so we are skipping the kitchen and taking everyone out for a little carb loading session at the local pizza place.

Here is a picture of me and the boys at the Beaverdam Antique Shop in Bumpass, Va (unfortunate name for a town, don't ya think?!?).

Like many of the towns we ride through, Bumpass has only 1 stop sign. Some of the towns we ride through don't even have an intersection much less a stop sign! However, these small towns have one thing in common...the people wave at you as you ride by. Rusty says, "If you ever lose faith in the goodness of humanity, just take a long bike ride."

I should also mention, we have a new addition to our team. Mike is joining us here in Charlottesville and will ride with us the rest of the way. He is 27 and has ridden across the country once before with his dad. He has also biked the perimeter of Florida.

I wish I had more time to share some stories, but my time on this library computer is almost up. Don't worry 'bout me, I'm having the time of my life!


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad!
You have really inspired your dad and me! He is already making comments about our next vacation being a bike tour of some sort. I do admit my 5 mile path I am taking every day is getting rather boring! I need new scenery. Hope the weather is okay on Friday.

Anonymous said...

we should do a family bike tour...that should be interesting!

Anonymous said...

that name is unfortunate in two ways. there is, of course, the obvious one. but if you break it up a different way, it becomes "bum pass."

either way, not what you'd want in a town name if you're looking for a big tourist draw.

i like your boy pete. he's eloquent.

Unknown said...

Ah, Chad, you are such a ROCKSTAR!! It sounds incredible so far- wow, VA is BEAUTIFUL!
It sounds like you have some fun people to travel with. I can't wait to hear about the stories you already have and are to come!
You are so awesome, Chad... seriously. I can't believe you're actually doing this :)